Spiritual & Pastoral

A group of appropriately gifted members of the parish, who vision for and assist in initiating educational events and programs and other ministries that enhance the spiritual life and the Christian motivated care and love of our members and those of the community surrounding our Parish.

Sunday School

A couple of appropriately gifted persons who vision for and implement a regular program of education for the children of the community.

Adult Education

On an occassional basis, varying programs or studies are offered led by appropriately gifted persons. Check our Upcoming Events page to see what currently is being, or soon to be, offered.

Home Communion Administrators

Appropriately gifted persons who visit infirm and shut-in parishioners to administer communion.

Pastoral Visitors

Appropriately gifted persons who visit parishioners who are infirm in hospitals and long-term care facilities or at home.

Prayer Teams

A group of gifted persons who occassionally gather to intentionally pray with and for members of our parish and other persons.

Friendly Transportation

Appropriately gifted persons who arrange transportation for those parishioners who are mobility challenged that do not have access to convenient or affordable transportation to and from parish worship and other programs.

Mothers’ Union

A group of parishioners that, in fellowship with other Mothers’ Union branches locally and beyond, run programs and activities to encourage and support families in every day life.