Regular Sunday Worship

All regular liturgies use modern language and are conducted according to the rites of the Anglican Church of Canada's Book of Alternate Services or similar texts.

Sunday School Program

Special Worship and Festivals

Please see the Events page of this website.

Funeral & Memorial Services

Includes the honoraria for a pastor/priest and the fees associated with our facilities usage.

Arrangements may be made through the Rector for an approved musician to play during the service. The honourarium for the musician (usually in the range of $250-500) is the responsibility of the family of the deceased and is to be paid directly to the musician unless other arrangements have been made with the Rector.

Our Parish does not provide any catering services for receptions. An approved independent caterer or catering firm may be hired to provide food and beverages at a funeral reception. Arrangements and payment for such is the responsibility of the family of the deceased.

For other items, please make inquiry with the parish Rector.

All fees are to be paid in full prior to the service.


$800No Reception
$1,050with Reception

Wedding Services

Includes the honouraria for a pastor/priest and the fees associated with our facility’s worship space usage. The honouraria covers two arrangement meetings with the pastor/priest, a rehearsal if requested, and the marriage ceremony.

Arrangements for musician(s) are the responsibility of the wedding couple but do need to be approved by the Rector. All fees related to the musician(s) and licensing entities are the responsibility of the wedding couple.

Use of the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen are not included. For use of further space in our building, please refer to our Facilities information, policy, and fees.

For other items, please make inquiry to the parish Rector.

On booking, 25% of the fee is required and the remaining 75% is required to be paid in full no later than 3 days prior to the service.



Other Pastoral Services

Arrangements and Fees to be made in consultation with the parish Rector.

[Effective 2024-01-01 subject to change without notice]