The Parish of St. John’s Anglican Church, Halifax, participated in a major visioning for the ministries of the Anglican presence for the Halifax Mainland West and area. Our Parish always is looking forward to providing ministry services to this growing area of the Halifax Regional Municipality.
The Parish of St. John’s Anglican Church, Halifax, is a parochial corporation as established under the Church Act of Nova Scotia and the Constitution, Canons, and Policies of the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.
Listed below are the various councils, committees, and groups of the parish with a brief description of their ministries.Â

- Executive Plus
- Offertory Counters
- Cemetery
- Real Assets
- Events
- Food Ministry
- Regional Council Delegates

Spiritual & Pastoral
- Sunday School
- Adult Christian Education
- Book Club
- Home Communion
- Administrators
- Pastoral Visitors
- Prayer Teams
- Friendly Transportation
- Mothers’ Union

- Worship Choir
- Eucharistic Ministers
- Lectors
- Prayer Leaders
- Media Booth Operators
- Sides Persons
- Welcoming Teams
- Refreshment Teams
- Coffee & Tea Teams