Inner Pages
  1. The title to all cemetery lands and columbarium niches shall remain with the said Parish. Purchasing burial and committal rights is not purchasing the ownership of a specific cemetery plot of land or niche in the columbarium. Burial and committal rights purchased are not in perpetuity. Burial and committal rights will be considered relinquished to the Parish if not exercised within one hundred (100) years of the date of original purchase.
  2. A conveyance of burial and committal rights shall not be deemed valid and in force unless all required fees are paid in full to the Parish.
  3. Final determination of the ownership to burial and committal rights shall be made by the Parish. Proof of ownership may require producing to Parish personnel: the original conveyance document; government issued photo identification; a certified copy of a duly executed legal will or document indicating the original conveyance owner’s wishes with respect to the burial rights; legal sworn avadavat from any or all possible claimants releasing any claim, present or future, to burial and committal rights in the lot and niche in question; and any other instrument the Parish deems necessary to make its determination.
  4. Conveyed burial and committal rights may not be sold to any other person or entity. Conveyed burial and committal rights may not be transferred to any other person or entity without the Parish’s expressed permission. Conveyed burial and committal rights may be surrendered to the Parish at any time. Conveyed burial and committal rights may be surrendered to the Parish for a lot or niche without interment for a refund, at the Parish’s sole discretion, of the original fee paid less any taxes paid and less an administration fee as established by the Parish from time to time. Parish approved transfer of burial and committal rights may be subject to an administration fee as determined by the Parish.
  5. The Parish has the sole right to determine of the number of human remains that may be interred in a lot or committed to a niche, which may be expressed in guidelines as established and amended by the Parish from time to time. Sub-surface ground conditions (i.e. tree roots, rock formations) that are beyond the Parish’s control may be a determining factor in assessing such number.
  6. The Parish reserves the right to enlarge or remodel the columbarium building, to remove it and build anew in another location, or to abandon the use of the existing columbarium building. In any of these cases, if the conveyed committal rights to a niche are affected, the Parish may substitute another niche of substantially the like size and character, in which case the conveyance purchaser, and his heirs or assigns, shall have the same rights in the substituted niche as were granted by the original declaration of trust.
  7. In the case of a total loss of the columbarium building due to a cause not under the control of the Parish (i.e. destruction by fire), the Parish reserves the right to inter any remains contained therein in the Parish cemetery grounds and erect a memorial cairn in substitute for the columbarium building.
  8. The conveyance of burial and committal rights in a cemetery lot and columbarium niche includes access by use of paths and roadways between the main highway and said lot or the columbarium. However, the use of such paths and roads may be limited, prohibited, or restricted at any time by order of the Parish or governing authority. Parking in areas other than on paved roadways and in the parking area adjacent to the columbarium building is prohibited; no parking on grassed areas. Parking on the roadway to restrict access by other cemetery patrons and funeral processions and parking in a manner to block full access to the maintenance and columbarium buildings is prohibited.
  9. One columbarium access card may be issued to the purchaser, or his or her heir or assign, on conveyance of niche committal rights. Further access cards, not to exceed six in total, and replacement access cards for cards lost or damaged may be obtained from the Parish on the payment of a per card fee as establish by the Parish from time to time. Controlled access times to the columbarium, by such access cards, will be determined by the Parish.
  10. Granted access to and use of the columbarium building other than for its intended purpose and for Parish sponsored events is prohibited. The Parish has the right to limit or deny access to the columbarium building at its sole discretion.
  11. The privilege granted by conveyance of burial and committal rights does not include any right to the use any church, chapel, or building in said cemetery or parish.
  12. Persons under the age of sixteen years may enter the cemetery and its buildings only when accompanied and under the care and control of an adult, who in all cases shall be responsible for their good conduct and safety.
  13. The privilege granted by conveyance of burial and committal rights does not include any right to break any ground and open niches for any purpose including the interring, committing, or removing of remains and the installing of markers or monuments by anyone except Parish personnel and contractors duly authorized by the Parish.
  14. Burial vaults of any type are not permitted for use under any circumstance.
  15. Any grave marker, stone, tomb, or monument erected on a cemetery lot shall be subject to the prevailing burial lot to marker size guideline as established and amended from time to time by the Parish. Any such marker is placed in the cemetery entirely at the risk and responsibility of the holder of the burial conveyance or their heirs and assigns including its positioning, condition, and cleanliness. The Parish assumes no responsibility nor liability for any grave marker, stone, tomb, or monument erected on any lot within its cemetery.
  16. Any plaque secured to the cover of a niche shall be provided by the Parish and emblazed by a contractor engaged by the Parish. Any text and images to be emblazed on the plaque must be approved by the Parish through its authorized personnel. No items of any kind shall be attached to the niche cover and plaque; items so attached may be removed and disposed of at the discretion of the Parish.
  17. No human remains interred in any lot or committed to any niche shall be removed from its place except with the consent of and subject to the regulations of the Provincial or Local Board of Health and by anyone other than authorized Parish personnel or contractors duly authorized by the Parish.
  18. The Parish will invest the amount paid for Perpetual Care of all lost and niches and to use the income there from for the maintenance of said cemetery and columbarium to perform the following tasks with regard to the perpetual care of said lot and niche:
    1. cutting and trimming the grass on the grounds as required to maintain a neat and tidy appearance;
    2. cutting and trimming trees, bushes, and shrubs as required to maintain a neat and tidy appearance and safe passage about the cemetery;
    3. filling depressions and re-seed or re-sod portions of, or the entire, lots as may be necessary from time to time;
    4. clearing refuse from the cemetery grounds as necessary;
    5. painting the exterior and interior of the columbarium as necessary;
    6. maintaining the columbarium structural integrity, walls, windows, and roof;
    7. maintaining paths and road ways as necessary for safe passage; and
    8. performing any other task as deemed necessary to maintain the cemetery and columbarium in a neat, tidy, and safe manner.
  19. The necessity for, and the decision to perform, such tasks rests solely with the Parish.
  20. The Parish will maintain a record of all known interments and committals in all cemetery lots and niches, designating any grave and niche on a cemetery plan and in the cemetery register of burials and committals, to be kept by the Parish or held in the Diocesan archives. Burial and committal records only will be made available for viewing through the cemetery website. Original cemetery plans and maps shall not be made available for public viewing.
  21. All grave markers, vegetation plantings, and ornamentations placed on, in, or near any cemetery lot are to be done so only with the expressed permission of the Parish through its authorized personnel. Such permission may be revoked at any time by the Parish at its sole discretion.
  22. Any ornamentation placed on or about a lot must be approved by the Parish, through its authorized personnel, and must be easily removed for maintenance purposes and made of an unbreakable material (i.e. no glass).
  23. Real or artificial flowers may be placed on the lot or grave marker in unbreakable pots, containers, or stands (no glass) and must be easily removed for maintenance purposes.
  24. Planting of trees, bushes, shrubs, and perennial vegetation of any kind is not permitted.
  25. Stones, rocks, or pebbles of any size shall not be place on or about a lot, whether in lieu of grass or as ornamentation.
  26. Fences of any kind, small or large and regardless of material, are not permitted.
  27. Inserting any item (i.e. flower stand, solar light, artificial flowers) into the ground is not permitted excepting hanging flower pot hooks when permission for such is granted.
  28. Small annual flower gardens, not to exceed eight inches beyond the face or longer than the length of the grave marker, approved by the Parish through its authorized personnel, may be planted immediately adjacent to and in front of the grave marker and must be regularly maintained by the holder of the burial rights conveyance or their heirs or assigns. Such annual flower gardens may be removed at any time by the Parish at its sole discretion for any reason but especially for lack of maintenance.
  29. Small arrangements of real or artificial flowers in stable water tight vases and pots and small unbreakable ornamentations may be placed on the first floor side table in the columbarium building. Parish personnel may remove these items, disposing of any real flowers, after they deteriorate or a reasonable period of display has lapsed. Pots, vases, or ornamentations may be kept for reclamation; however, if not retrieved within a reasonable period of time, Parish personnel may dispose of these items at their sole discretion.
  30. The Parish has the authority to clear away and dispose of any planting or ornamentation that does not adhere to these Cemetery Regulations, is a safety hazard, has become unsightly or broken, or has not been regularly maintained as determined by authorized Parish personnel. Notice of such removal will not be given.
  31. There are no refuse or garbage receptacles provide in the cemetery for public use. Patrons are responsible to remove their refuse and garbage and dispose of it at their home or elsewhere.
  32. The Parish reserves the right to amend its Cemetery Regulations at any time at its sole discretion. The current Cemetery Regulations will supersede any previously published Cemetery Regulations.
  33. In any disagreement or dispute regarding the interpretation or implementation of these Cemetery Regulations, the Parish has the right and authority, as sole title holder of the cemetery lands and cemetery buildings, to make and enforce the final decision with resultant actions.

[effective 2022-06-01 subject to change without notice]